Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Santa Monica – January 16, 2017

Human Realtions Council Santa Monica Bay Area

Contact:  Donna Gentry, HRC Vice Chair


Stand & March for Justice with the Human Relations Council
January 16 – Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Santa Monica

SANTA MONICA, CA, January 10, 2017 – Culminating a weekend of activities of the 32nd Annual Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, on Monday, January 16, the community will walk from the morning program at SGI-USA World Peace Ikeda Auditorium to the Community Involvement Fair at St. Monica Catholic Community’s Grand Pavilion.

With the weekend theme of “Stand Against Injustice,” Monday’s celebration begins at 9am with a free program at the SGI Auditorium, 525 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica. The event is presented by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Westside Coalition (MLK Coalition) and the multi-ethnic, interfaith program will include inspirational readings, speakers, and music. The keynote speaker is Santa Monica College Superintendent/President Dr. Kathryn E. Jeffery.

Continuing with the weekend theme of “Stand Against Injustice,” immediately following the program (approximately 10:30am) the Human Relations Council Santa Monica Bay Area and the MLK Coalition invite the community to walk the three blocks to the Community Involvement Fair at St. Monica, 701 California Ave, Santa Monica, where there will be refreshments and informational displays by a variety of community organizations.

Community leaders will lead the procession north on the sidewalks of 7th Street to California and east to the church’s Grand Pavilion. This community expression of the “Stand Against Injustice” theme stresses Peace, Compassion and Unity just a few days prior to a new administration on January 20.

The Human Relations Council Santa Monica Bay Area is a nonprofit organization that promotes a culture of fair treatment, inclusion and equal access to opportunities. The HRC Board of Directors represents a diverse group of leaders representing business, government, education, faith communities and local residents.


For information on the MLK weekend of activities, call 310.866.9117 or visit or Twitter: Westsidemlk

32nd Annual Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration


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